Sunday 9 November 2014

Watergate Forest Park, Dunston

Swan Feeding, Gorge Walking, Poop Chasing and Muddy Puddles

The thought of having to walk further than the end of my front gate often fills me with dread. As the hubby said recently, the most toned part of my body is my right index finger from pushing the lift call button at work. I couldn't verbally abuse him for that comment because he's kind of right (this once). However, Watergate Forest Park is a place I don't mind having a stroll - and for the Gremlins it's like visiting their true home - its covered in muck and full of little animals.
On the site of the former Watergate Colliery, there are lakes, streams, wildflowers, woodland and sculptures. The guided path is full of potholes, ideal for creating puddles to splish and splosh in - or in my lots' case - to shove your sister in and laugh at her flapping about like a tortoise on its back. She didn't screech for long - she was soon doing the front crawl and wouldn't get up 'til she was chased up the path with a bag of dog poo.
After eating her body weight in blackberries, and looking for fairies in the trees, Ava joined her brother lobbing stones at the ducks until I shrieked like a fishwife and they removed the rocks from their bread crumbs (it made the bread fly further apparently).
The highlight of their nature trail - however - is whipping off their wellies and barefooting it through the freezing cold streams. Once upon a time I'd have the pair of them on reins with life jackets on when within ten metres of more than an inch of water...but I've learned to have only mild panic attacks while they laugh and paddle in the knee-deep brooks, searching for tadpoles and swan babies. The only down side, is having to fish the little blighters back out again, when frost bite starts setting into their toes. Though yelling "THE CROCODILES ARE COMING!!" usually does the trick.
(NB. Do NOT go swimming in the lake. It's very deep and full of reeds).

Best Bits According to The Gremlins:
*   Ava: Jumping in muddy wuddles.
* Owen: Walking in the water, mountain climbing up the rocks and seeing the massive waterfall. It makes me feel like George of the Jungle.

Best Bits According to Mam and Dad:
* Being able to let the Gremlins (and dogs) off the leash to run wild and wear themselves out, meaning a guaranteed early bed time.
* The peaceful serenity (until the Gremlins start chasing the swans). If you're in a bad mood, take a walk through the park and by the end of the path, everything will be back in perspective. Either that or you'll jump in the lake. (Don't do that though...).
* Watching the kids have fun with nothing more than dirt, water, fresh air and their imaginations.
Iffy Bits:
* The walk back to the car. After two hours or more of fresh air, it can feel like you're climbing Kilimanjaro...especially with one tired Gremlin on your front and one on your back. 
* Take a towel and a change of clothes - if you start splashing about then you're gonna get pretty soggy.
* Take carrier bags to pick up your dog (or child) poop, and to put your muddy shoes in when you're back in the car (not with the poop of course. Unless you want to).
* There are no refreshment facilities in nature - unless you want to drink the lake water (not recommended). If it's a hot day, take some drinks and slap on the sunny lotion.
Mint-ness (out of 5 *):
*****   Value for Money
****      Fun Factor



  1. Looks perfect and just my kind of day out when I was little. A bit concerned about the willie whipping though!!!

  2. Whoops!!!! Have now replaced "willies" with "wellies" as intended! Haha x
